When is the Best Time to Start Marketing Your Startup

Business Freelancing

Posted by admin on 2023-07-04 15:00:30 | | عربي

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 When is the Best Time to Start Marketing Your Startup

Whether you own a startup or a small business, your thinking is always mainly occupied by some questions about supply and demand, pricing, competitors, and a number of tasks that may occupy your to-do list, but marketing remains one of the confusing topics due to not knowing the correct date to start investing in paid advertising strategies.

The question of any of the startups or small projects is always where are my customers and where can I get new customers – but to answer this question you must study all the solutions that you provide through your product or service that you provide to your customers and what are the most important problems that your customers may face The solution is based on your product or service.

An example of this - cosmetics companies target all age groups that face a problem such as (pills, wrinkles, or pigmentation). The solution is to present the solutions provided by the product according to the age group. Therefore, when starting marketing, whether it is for your company or project, four points must be answered. Basic:

  • What is the personality of the target customer for your product or service?

  • What are the most important problems that your customers face?

  • What are the solutions offered by your product or service to solve the problem?

  • Who are the competitors, what are the advantages you offer compared to the advantages of your competitors, and what are the most important reasons for the customer to choose you and not one of the competitors?

Bearing in mind that marketing is impossible to hide any product of ugliness, and at the same time just having a great product is not enough for successful marketing.

Startups or small companies will need a great product that is based on a problem in a suitable market for this product. Once the necessary marketing steps are followed, marketing will be determined in the previous way. Will it grow or will it be destined to end? In other words, start with the product and make sure of the solutions that the product provides, and then start marketing. .


What is the appropriate time to start the marketing phase?

What is meant by the word marketing at this stage is the marketing campaigns that take place after contracting with one of the advertising agencies specialized in marketing operations, or through the appointment of a freelancer or an experienced freelancer, and then begin to form a network of public relations and expand the scope of acquiring new customers and not only having a website For your company or a page for your products on one of the pages of social networking sites.

Early marketing could be one of the reasons for the failure of your project, either because there is a defect in the product or some necessary modifications to the product in order to optimally solve customer problems before starting to expand the scope of marketing or searching for a larger number of customers and users.

Signs of early start of the marketing phase!

Achieving lower percentages of expected sales

The presence of a number of potential customers is insufficient to achieve the sales that you seek or to end the sales process to these customers. The opportunity to have and increase potential customers may lead to the failure of the sales process because there is not enough number of sales personnel to end the sales process to customers, especially in the beginning stage of a project or your company and follows that step It is an analysis of the situation to find out the reasons for the incomplete sale process.

Potential customers do not interact with the product or service!

It is possible that the product that you offer has many wonderful features, but the target segment of customers is not interested in the product or service that it seeks to sell. In this case, it is necessary to stop all marketing campaigns and conduct marketing research on the product and target customers to find out their current interests and the most important problems they face so that you can Presenting a product based on solving your customers' problems and presenting it to them in terms of the daily concerns that they seek.

The most important marketing risks

Whatever the size of your company or emerging project, any of the new projects will have a huge amount of spending or expenses, taking into account pricing policies, but in order for your startup or small project to grow, revenue must be generated to meet the shortage of capital and in the event of an increase in expenses without any return on the part of the project It is the first sign of the failure of your project and the loss of capital in a large way and in a period of time that may not be large.

In order not to reach the stage of losing capital, before starting the stage of marketing your product, the product must be free of defects and of high quality and help solve the problem of potential customers.


What is the right time to start the marketing campaign for your project?

It is better to start with a single advertisement about your product or service that you provide without carrying out an integrated marketing campaign, in order to find out the percentage of attraction of the product or service that you provide to your customers, in addition to reaching a number of existing customers and knowing their opinions on the extent to which their problems are solved through the product or service that you provide, which leads to To generate your complete confidence in the importance of your products and any of the solutions that led to solving the customer’s problem and whether there are any defects that can be solved and improve your products as required to start a complete marketing dream about the product.

Methods of collecting existing customer data

Although advertising campaigns require many tests to reach the largest base of potential audiences and effectively know the cost of reaching the customer and the whereabouts of customers on any of the platforms, but in the end it is the most attractive way to inquire about new customers about the products it offers, and therefore it is necessary at this stage to rely on a system Special for collecting data of the largest number of potential customers, which ensures the continuity of the sales process continuously.

Determine the marketing budget

Determining the budget is one of the most difficult difficulties for start-ups and small projects, but the necessary and necessary expenses must be calculated before starting the activity, at least in the first days of starting your activity.


Your ability to invest in advertising campaigns

One of the important indicators of the ability to invest in advertising campaigns is providing the necessary budget to conduct many advertising campaigns without facing any problems in terms of financing these campaigns. It is necessary to allocate part of your project budget to support marketing campaigns continuously without stopping any of these advertising campaigns.

In order to make sure of your success in the first marketing steps for your project, you can create a special account on the yallamission.com website and start communicating with freelancers professionals in the field of marketing services, which may help you reach the best required marketing plans. You can find out from here why and when you work with Freelancers.


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