How to Write a Mission Description that Attracts Freelancers

Business Freelancing

Posted by admin on 2023-07-05 11:59:49 | | عربي

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 How to Write a Mission Description that Attracts Freelancers

YallaMission offers a wide range of freelancers whose talents range from social media marketing, writing and creatives to voiceovers and campaign management.

In order to find the best freelancer for your project, you must put some detailed information about each project, in order to ensure that you find a qualified freelancer for your project. Let's explore what points should be made while presenting your project:

Choose a specific specialty

The e-marketing departments differ from each other, so it is very important at the beginning to determine which specialization is most suitable for your project. In the following points, we will explain the tasks required for each specialty:

1- Marketing through social media

This specialization includes conducting marketing research on your project, preparing a short and long-term marketing plan, writing content for social networking sites, managing social networking pages by following up on messages from customers and analyzing data.

2- Search Engine Optimization

One of the tasks of Freelancer search engine optimization is to be a professional in searches and data analysis, and among his tasks is to write good content for the site that is compatible with search engines, work on choosing keywords, build internal and external links for the site while working on analyzing the site’s data from a technical and technical point of view.

3- Writing the content

Web pages, blogs, videos, and social media posts are all examples of digital content. Among the tasks of the content writer is to conduct a competitor analysis process before writing in the content, prepare a detailed plan for writing content through social networking sites, prepare and write content, and analyze data.

4- Ad campaign management

Advertising campaign management is one of the most important departments of e-marketing, and its tasks are divided into developing marketing plans for social media platforms and search engines as well, preparing a detailed plan for targeting, and working on data analysis and improving advertising campaigns.

5- Graphic designs

The designer develops and creates visual ideas. Among the designers' jobs are preparing animation designs, preparing and editing videos, designs for publications on social media, and designing a logo for brands.

6- Data entry

Data entry deals with collecting, storing, and organizing data. It involves entering data from electronic or non-electronic sources into your company's system. The collected information is then secured and organized within the system.

Develop a detailed description of the project

All freelancers want to do a great job. Not only because they are passionate about what they do, but also because the better they do, the more chances they have to get more work. The clearer the expectations and the outputs, the better they can determine if they are a good fit. The more details they get up front, the more accurate their proposal will be.

Here's what you should include in your project description:

1- The products/services offered by the company

2- The company's goal and the marketing goal behind the project

3- Target customers

4- The advantages of your product/service to the market

5- A description of the work you want to perform

6- The deliverables you would like to receive and, if applicable, deadlines

Add references to the project

It is very important that the freelancer is well equipped with different options of your project requirements and for this, it should have good and informative reference websites which are close to the target you want for your project. In order to facilitate the delivery of the project as soon as possible and with the best required quality.

Set a budget

Determining a suitable budget for your project requirements based on market prices is one of the most important parts that will help you work with the best freelancers.

Therefore, before determining the budget, the municipality must search well for the average prices of the required service in the market and set your budget based on these prices.

With the right project description, YallaMission also helps you to instantly expand your pool of professional freelancers to the extent you want. It removes the obstacles that you may face in all administrative work and the appointment and follow-up of the best freelancers.

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