Effective Tricks & Hints To Attract More Freelance Clients

Freelancing Freelance Skills

Posted by admin on 2021-09-26 23:35:49 | | عربي

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Effective Tricks & Hints To Attract More Freelance Clients

How to Influence Your Clients

If you offer your services through a freelance site, you can use the effects of color psychology to establish trust and influence in your clients to make them choose you over other freelancers.

Another good trick is explaining what you can do for your clients.

For example: “I will design a brand logo for your business”. 

Make Your Prices More Attractive

We’re not telling you to lower your rates. Not at all. That would have a negative effect and clients would think that you price your services cheaper.

However, you can use a trick of pricing to beat your competitors and stand out from the rest of the freelancers. For example, if someone offers to design a Logo for 500 EGP, you can offer to create a Logo + Free Revision for 500 EGP. It’s the same price, but with added value.

Show Off Authority

Have you ever wondered why those popular business websites show off a list of site logos on their homepage featuring the blogs they were mentioned in or the awards they’ve won?

The same rule applies in the world of freelancing as well. A client is more likely to hire a person with 100 positive feedback reviews than a freelancer with 5 reviews.

In conclusion 

Having a strong character with a little bit of ego will help any freelancer to grab the attention of their clients and increase their chances of getting approved each time they send a pitch.

Keep in mind, that these tricks may help you land more clients, but they won’t last long if you don’t have the necessary skills to deliver a job. So, it’s best if you work on improving your character and expertise first while working as a freelancer.

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