
Ahmed Habib

Android Developer

  • Profile Strength: 70%
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  • 0 Completed Projects
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  • 0% Recommended
  • 0 Times Rehired
  • Worked With 0 Clients
  • 0 Feedbacks


I'm ahmed adel habib, I'm an Android Developer with Kotlin and Java, skilled in computer science core concepts data structures and algorithms, OOP, functional programming, and I have very good knowledge about design patterns, solid principles, unit test, Architecture patterns (MVVM, MVP), dependency injection, clean architecture, repository pattern, use cases, app modularization, agile scrum methodology, and git version control. - I worked as android developer into Simplx (April 2018 to Jul 2019) - Full time. - I'm working as android developer into Skep solutions (Des 2020 - present) - Full time.

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